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This is the personal feed of a middle-aged husband and father of two, featuring a diverse range of topics including food, programming, woodworking, photography, and other light-hearted, humorous content. While the feed may not offer much value to the outside world, the content is all original and occasionally features memes that may also be posted on Reddit or Twitter under the same handle as this domain.
Cookies but dramatic

Some cookies made from a recipe found on the internet. I like them OK, but the picture here is neat.

2022-11-27 11:53:28
It's spread out

OK, hear me out.. it's not technically a sandwich, but all the components are there..

2022-11-07 20:55:49
Lets keep this one going

Another egg sammach.. Ran outa the home made cayenne pepper sauce, so this one has some Texas Pete

2022-10-31 21:53:53
Evolution continues

While it's not much to look at, this has a couple additions.. Some not so thin sliced sausage, and a home made hot sauce made with cayenne peppers.

2022-08-27 21:33:22
It's really a pattern..

OK, showing no shame in posting yet another egg sandwich. This one sports a couple strips of microwaved bacon! The laziness here is unparalleled.

2022-07-29 19:33:51
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