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The holy grail in Diablo 2 is finding every set and unique item in the game. As difficult as it sounds, it's actually even more difficult than that. While some items are found often such as Venomward Breast Plate, many items in Diablo 2 can actually be quite tricky to find due to how item drops work in the game.
SetM'avina's Battle HymnM'avina's Caster
SetM'avina's Battle HymnM'avina's Embrace
SetM'avina's Battle HymnM'avina's Icy Clutch
SetM'avina's Battle HymnM'avina's Tenet
SetM'avina's Battle HymnM'avina's True Sight
SetMilabrega's RegaliaMilabrega's Diadem
SetMilabrega's RegaliaMilabrega's Orb
SetMilabrega's RegaliaMilabrega's Robe
SetMilabrega's RegaliaMilabrega's Rod
SetNaj's Ancient VestigeNaj's Circlet
SetNaj's Ancient VestigeNaj's Light Plate
SetNaj's Ancient VestigeNaj's Puzzler
SetNatalya's OdiumNatalya's Mark
SetNatalya's OdiumNatalya's Shadow
SetNatalya's OdiumNatalya's Soul
Page 24 of 34 (502 records)
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  • SQLSTATE[42000]: Syntax error or access violation: 1142 INSERT command denied to user 'o2823855'@'' for table 'ses'

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